The 1st Conference on North German Heat Research will take place in Göttingen from 8 to 9 June 2023!
The conference emerges from the activities of the "Heat" specialist group of the North German research alliances of Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein. This alliance of North German heat research formulated initial impulses in the position paper for the NWMK specialist conference on 19 September 2022.
The goals of the conference are to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between scientists and to accelerate the practical implementation in the context of the heat transition.
Focal points of the conference:
Technologies for renewable heat supply and waste heat utilisation;
Energy efficiency in buildings - operational efficiency, material recycling potentials and sources of "grey energy";
Supply of heating and cooling in neighbourhoods and municipal heat planning;
Thermal energy storage, especially seasonal heat storage;
Digital Twins, geographic information systems, Open Science and Open Data;
Heat transition and society - financing and operating models for future heat supply systems;
Opportunities and risks of the ramp-up in the expansion, transformation and connection densification of heating networks.
In addition to the information provided by scientific and practice-related contributions, we offer you time and space to make contacts, exchange ideas with experts and discuss current, urgent issues. An evening event is planned for further networking.
Further information on the conference, registration and the programme can be found at: www.hawk.de