The restructuring of the energy system as a central national task poses great challenges especially for Germany’s north-west, since this region is one of the most important regions for renewable energies nationwide as well as a major energy hub for conventional energy sources. The related requirements regarding the transmission, the distribution and the storage of energy are further factors that directly affect the region and put it in a key position concerning the implementation of the energy revolution. The region is therefore a pioneer in the energy revolution and has profited considerably from the present restructuring of the energy system. New businesses and new jobs have come into existence, and the region’s innovation intensity has increased significantly. This positive development in the energy sector specifically has contributed to the north-western region being one of Germany’s most dynamic regions today
The region’s energy sector and key experts
As part of the project Wissensvernetzung 2020 (‘Knowledge Networking 2020’) the energy region conducted a survey concerning the key experts of the region and compiled businesses, research institutes, networks, education services and important players in the energy sector in a database. You can find the database here (German only).
Overview of the energy region
- The north-western region is Germany’s central energy hub.
- The region is a pioneer in the production of renewable energy: with over 55,000 generating plants in accordance with the German Renewable Energies Act (EEG), the region has reached the nationwide goals for the energy revolution for 2050 in 2012 already.
- In 2013, 80% of the energy consumption could already be covered by electricity generated by renewable sources.
- Concerning the wind energy sector, 13% of all German wind energy is produced in the region.
- The region’s economic dynamics also show clearly in the employment sector, since the energy sector with its 37,000 employees is an important job creator for the region.
- The development of large parts of the regional energy sector is due to the innovative impulses from the local research community, which counts over 800 employees.
Study about the energy region Weser-Ems (German)
Master plan energy 2020 (German)