Cities continue to grow and face a variety of challenges. Smart-City approaches offer intelligent solutions to the diverse social challenges for the smart development of cities and regions. Many exciting technologies and new approaches are already being tested, particularly in the field of energy - here in the Weser-Ems region, too.
But what exactly do these solutions look like? What added value, but also what challenges do they bring? What needs for action arise for the administrative and planning level?
In order to pursue these and other questions in the context of Smart City / Smart Region together with experts and actors from business and science as well as administration and planning levels from the Weser-Ems region, we cordially invite you to the 2nd event in the series "OSCAR - Oldenburg Smart City and Region: Designing City and Region Intelligently".
Under the title "Intelligent Energy in the Neighbourhood", we not only want to give you an understanding of the many opportunities and possibilities in the field of smart energy, but also show you what various project partners*in the project "Energetic Neighbourhood Neighbourhood Air Base Oldenburg" are already working on in this context.
We would therefore be pleased to welcome you digitally this time at the
2nd OSCAR After-Work Meetup "Intelligent Energy in the Quarter"
on 16 June 2020 | 16.00-18.00 |digital via ZOOM.
For a keynote speech at the beginning of the event we were able to invite Matthias Brucke, founder and owner of embeteco GmbH & CO. KG, which is distinguished by its outstanding support and implementation competence for municipalities and regions in the field of Smart City/ Smart Region.
You can register here: www.energiecluster.de/oscar
Picture: Shutterstock
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