Be there:
3rd Hydrogen Professionals Dialogue Forum
22 August 2023, 12.30 h - 18.00 h
Mercedes Benz Customer Centre Bremen
The future hydrogen infrastructure is of essential importance for the rapid ramp-up of an efficient hydrogen economy. The northern German states also bear special responsibility in this respect: the first sections of the H2 core network, the first converted cavern storage facilities, the first large-scale electrolysers, the first import terminals and the first industrial applications are being established in the north. All of this requires considerable resources - especially human resources with a wide range of qualifications, i.e. SPECIALISTS.
We want to address this complex of topics on 22 August in Bremen and spend an afternoon together identifying solutions within the framework of impulses, lectures, panel discussions - and of course networking.
Here you will find the programme and the possibility to register: Changing times at the speed of Germany: Without skilled workers, no hydrogen economy (eveeno.com)
We look forward to welcoming you to the event with our partner institutions:
EWE AG, Fraunhofer IWES, Fraunhofer IST, BNW, ReTraSON, Norddeutsche Wasserstoffstrategie, Unternehmerverbände Niedersachsen e.V., Universität Oldenburg, Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Regionaldirektion Niedersachsen-Bremen), Niedersäsisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Bauen und Digitalisierung, Allianz für die Region, Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Häfen und Transformation der Freien Hansestadt Bremen