DFMRS Deutsche Forschungsvereinigung für Meß-, Regelungs- und Systemtechnik e.V.
The DFMRS promotes engineering and technology of measurement, control, system, automation and system-related energy technology in the fields of research, development and application. A particular concern of the DFMRS is joint industrial research in the above-mentioned research and development areas. Therefore, DFMRS is a member association of the AiF (German Federation of Industrial Research Associations "Otto von Guericke" e.V., Cologne and Berlin).
The development and dissemination of new findings from theory and practice increases competitiveness, economic efficiency and performance in industry, trade and services.
The companies are thus strengthened in their long-term competitiveness. For this purpose, the DFMRS maintains its own research centre, the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Bessel-Institut Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (Friedrich-Wilhelm-Bessel-Institut).
The DFMRS procures research results primarily for small and medium-sized companies where measurement, control, system, automation or system-related energy technology is a focal point of corporate performance.
DFMRS Deutsche Forschungsvereinigung für Meß-, Regelungs- und Systemtechnik e.V.
Linzer Str. 13
D 28359 Bremen
Michael Sorg
Phone: +49 4222 950218
E-Mail: sorg@dfmrs.de