Where we come from...

When OLEC was founded in 2005, the focus was on networking local actors to promote the energy transition in the Northwest. Initially, OLEC developed as a network of renewable energy producers, but from the beginning it always had an interdisciplinary orientation. It was clear from the very beginning that the energy transition could not be implemented, and an energy system of the future developed without the cooperation of all actors - from generation, transport, research, financing, maintenance and participation along the entire renewable energy value chain.

OLEC always keeps an eye on the trend topics of the sectors and has been working for several years on the development of a hydrogen economy in the Northwest, together with partner networks on cross-sector projects and smart technologies for cities and regions.

... and where we want to go

What was only partly foreseeable in 2005 but is now becoming a bitter reality is the world's climate crisis. For the Northwest as a coastal and agricultural region, this means that strategies for adapting to the consequences of climate change are imperative and must be implemented promptly to keep the region liveable and as a business location.

However, the Northwest is also a region that offers a lot of potential, be it for testing new technologies, favourable location factors for renewable energies, the interaction of rural and urban areas or the cooperation of different industries for the joint development of a climate-neutral region.

OLEC is leading the way here with its members and is actively working to develop the Northwest into a pioneering region in terms of climate neutrality.

Our vision:

Climate neutral. The Northwest is leading the way! Together we are courageously shaping the energy system of the future in an interdisciplinary way. decarbonised. diversified. decentralised. digital.

Our key topics cover the entire value chain of climate-neutral energy generation, storage, transport and use. In various working groups, members and cooperation partners proactively contribute, jointly design activities, prepare projects or develop position papers, statements and white papers for the energy system of the future.

Our offer - your added value!

We network ... Bundling the energy competences of the Northwest in business, science and education, cross-sector bundling - knowledge and technology transfer.

We explain ... cross-technology approach - highlighting interdependencies, drawing a big picture, via events and publications, creating acceptance and meaning.

We enable ... Projects in research/development/application, promoting technological innovations, maintaining and increasing the attractiveness of work and education.

We promote ... Public relations, location marketing, lobbying and representation of interests, cooperation with associations and initiatives.

CONTACT Member support and services

Georg Blum
Cluster Manager Innovation & Member supporters
Isabelle Ehrhardt
Cluster Manager Strategy & International Affairs ( (Parental leave till May 2026)