Keil Anlagenbau GmbH & CO. KG

The company Keil Anlagenbau has been operating for more than 45 years, and it employs 130 professionals, designers and engineers with the specific task to design a wide range of liquid storage systems hazardous to water and to erect them while meeting the highest security standards.

With our expert knowledge, the capacity of our experienced employees and the technical equipment, it is possible for us to contribute to the design and implementation of hydrogen plants actively. We deliver the elements to be pieced together (compressor units in container construction, single units) as well as complete equipment.

Keil Anlagenbau GmbH & CO. KG

Zum Welplager Moor 8
D-49163 Hunteburg

Ilona Rossmann
Phone: +49 5475 9200 185

Hans-Jürgen Keil
Phone: +49 5475 9200 0